Poached Eggs with Basil Lemon Drizzle

Serves 4 | Prep Time 2 min | Cook Time 5 min

Here’s all you need to know about poached eggs: Ira Gershwin said his songwriting career wouldn’t be complete until he got his beloved poached eggs into one of his songs, which he eventually did (“I’m a poached egg . . . without a piece of toast; Yorkshire pudding . . . without a beef to roast.”). I guess Ira felt like so many of us do: sometimes the best little meal is the simplest. In this case, I’ve enhanced the yum factor by topping this comfort food with Basil Lemon Drizzle. The result is a very light sauce, which the fat from the yolk takes on a trip all around your mouth. Hmm . . . yummmm.


Pour 6 inches of water into a large saucepan and place over medium- high heat. When it’s almost boiling, add the vinegar, then crack each egg open in a small dish and gently slide the egg into the water. Maintain the water temperature at just below a simmer, turning the heat down to low if necessary. Cook until the egg whites are set and the centers are still soft, about 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel to drain off excess water.

Serve immediately, sprinkling each egg with a pinch of sea salt and topping with 2 teaspoons of Basil Lemon Drizzle.

COOK’S NOTES: Like your yolks firmer? Let them cook for an extra 30 to 60 seconds.

Go the extra mile and prepare this take on eggs Benedict. It’s worth it! Put four pieces of sprouted grain bread on a cutting board and
use a cookie cutter or the mouth of a large glass to punch out circle shapes. Toast the circles, then drizzle with a bit of extra-virgin olive oil and sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Place a poached egg on top of each piece of toast, then top with 2 teaspoons of Basil Lemon Drizzle.

STORAGE: Eat immediately!

PER SERVING: Calories: 70; Total Fat: 5 g (1.6 g saturated, 1.9 g mono- unsaturated); Carbohydrates: 0 g; Protein: 6 g; Fiber: 0 g; Sodium: 145 mg

From Cancer Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz

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1 tablespoon vinegar

4 organic eggs

Sea salt

Basil Lemon Drizzle for garnish


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